The terrible two’s and Independent fits..

It is possible that my daughter in her terrible two’s already and she is only 18 months? I mean I know its possible but lately she is just on a completely different level of ATTITUDE! As I was driving home from picking her up today, she refused to calm down. She wasn’t crying screaming but she was non-stop yelling almost the entire way. I thought to myself is this really happening. Its not just when we are in the car, when we’re at dinner, at home, anywhere really for that matter! The other night we decided that we wanted to have dinner as a family. We went to Steak N Shake because it was right down the road from our house. We got there and she was fine for all of five minutes in the high chair. Then my finance got her out and let her sit with him she would not stop throwing stuff and yelling. No, I am not one of those parents that let her just scream I gave her several warnings and told her that if she continued then she would get a spanking. However, If you have kids then you know that a spanking is just another word to them. She did not take it to heart, I let her sit on the side where I was thinking with me she would settle down damn was I wrong. She still yelled and grabbed everything on the table as well as when we tried to give her some of our food she just hit it out of our hands. She did eat a few French fries but that was as far as we got. We also got milkshakes which we got her to drink some of those as well but of course because she’s my child she wanted to hold the big GLASS cup by herself. She was highly upset that she could not hold it on her own. Is this normal? I get it she’s learning and wants to do things on her own but she is 18 months old for goodness sake. My finance and I are only in our 20’s so our patience doesn’t add up to one of a couple who is in their 30’s or so with a few kids. I feel like I am losing control of my child not that she would be controlled anyways because she is 2 feet of headstrong. I am at my ends with trying to find a happy medium with disciplining her and trying to get her to understand right from wrong. I know what you are probably thinking she is living in a dream world. Well no I really am not, I mean I might be with her being so little but I just want my daughter to understand that we love her very much but she can’t just scream for no reason or throw things just because she’s tired. She also now has a habit of throwing her little me, myself and I tantrum.  She wants to do everything by herself even if I am just simply showing her how to do something or help her she gets so mad. Tonight, we put her on the potty for the second time and she did it! I am so proud of her, I have been dreading even trying to potty train her because I’ve heard some awful stories of mothers potty training their kids. She is very smart and very independent which I kind of wish because of my mommy heart that she would rely more on me. At the end of the day as a mother or parent in general you are always going to want your child to need you in some kind of way but maybe just maybe she is going through her terrible two’s early but I’m hoping there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Hanging on by a thread, OneStressedOutMama

4 thoughts on “The terrible two’s and Independent fits..

  1. shopgirlanonymous says:

    I know 18 mos. was difficult with my Aislyn. The terrible twos does hit earlier with girls (or so I’ve been told and have experienced), but what makes her terrible two’s today in her actual twos less challenging than it was at 18 mos. is that everyday communication becomes easier and easier (well in the easy sense that we are still in the terrible twos), which eases stress on both sides of the playing field.


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