The Smiths, school and happiness

Have you ever heard the expression everything happens for a reason? what about if one door closes another one opens? Well that’s the exact expression that is currently turning my life around. I believe God works things out for you when you least expect it. I know some people have different beliefs, customs, etc. However, I believe in God. Ive lost my faith the past few years because I haven’t been nearly as in tuned to church, my bible or believing in a power that is bigger than me until recently. You see I used to live with a family that I babysat for that lead me to church with them. Her name was Mrs.Smith. I called her Mrs.Stephanie. If it was not for her I would not have made it this far. Shes by far the most compassionate, loving, considerate woman I’ve ever known. Not to mention forgiving, and understanding. She has 5 kids…yes 5 kids. Id never seen anyone be so understanding of anybody she came in contact with.There was never a time that she judged me or anybody else no matter how broken they were, no matter how cruel they were, or what kind of person they were to her. None of that mattered to her. Her and I became very close she was the closest thing to a mother I had had since my mother got sick. I absolutely love that woman with all my heart. She was very good to me and I learned more from her than I had ever learned from my own parents.

I used to work at this country club in high school and we were allowed to use the pool, tennis courts, gym pretty much anything the members could use we could too. One day I just so happen to want to go swimming and her, her daughter son and husband were there. Herself and her husband Mr.Smith was about to go to a tennis lesson.The kids od course were to young to stay up there and swim unsupervised so they asked me to watch them while they went and played. I didn’t mind I needed the extra money and I loved kids so I didn’t mind. When they came back from their lesson we exchanged phone numbers and then a few weeks later my step mom, I and my dad all got into a huge argument and I basically moved out. She was a blessing cause she openly invited me into her home to stay for as long as possible. It wasn’t a coincidence that she called me shortly after I had no place to go. She was and still is probably the best woman I know. She never once judged me in anyway no matter what I told her about my extremely screwed family and current situation I was in. She spent hours praying with me, for me, and teaching me what it meant to be close to God She taught me that even if you don’t go to church you can still develop a relationship with God. She taught me that if no one else gives you grace, forgiveness, or compassion. God can and does everyday.  The reason I’m telling you this because I recently had a reminder of what God can do for you. I recently lost my job and I honestly think it was a sign. I have been struggling with being out of school for a long time. The disappointment of my dad thinking I’m never going to make anything of myself along with my inner self esteem being lower than it has ever been in my whole life. Then the other day when I lost my job it hit me like a ton of bricks. I’m not happy as I could or want to be. Does not being in college make me any less of a good person? Does me being out of school for so long going to make me any less successful than the high school graduate who went to college right after graduating? The answer has yet to be revealed….Whenever and however it is going to be answered I know God is going to have something to do with it. I’m  really excited to be going back to school. Its funny how things that don’t work out lead you to something that does.

Hanging on by a thread,OneStressedOutMama